Saturday, September 28, 2024

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AO3400 Super Transistor!

Looking to power a fan to keep an Orange Pi 3B cool inside it's enclosure, I turned to a "power" mosfet I hadn't worked with before, the super little guy AO3400.

Rated to 30V and a fanciful 5.8A it seemed to be perfect for the job because it could "open the gate" at around 1.1V.

I designed a suitable circuit, soldered the little bits together on a SOP8 to DIP8 adapter (!!) as per below:

The design seemed to work for an LED circuit, so I boxed it up and ran it from the 5V rail of the OPi 3B.

See the result below. Please add comments on YT below the video, especially if you have a view on fan orientation!

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