Saturday, September 30, 2023

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Drowning in Mailbag #33

I would never admit that I have a slight problem with online shopping, but OMG the current pile of incoming is a little out of control!

In my defence...

...nah there is no defence - I'm addicted!!

Enjoy the irresponsibility (YT broken, but link below should work!):


Friday, September 22, 2023

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Expanding the ESP01s (again)

The 4MB expansion of the flash memory on an ESP01s has been successfully employed in a previous blog and video.

Recently some similar chips arrived, but this time in a 16MB format!

Would they be addressable by the ESP8266 chip onboard this little device?

No spoiler alerts this time - watch the video!

Friday, September 15, 2023

0000 0000 1101 0010

A timely repair

A friend dropped off a toddler training clock that had gone kaput. I suspected a dodgy micro-usb port because, well, all micro-usb ports are dodgy!

Structurally, these ports are not strong enough for daily use - I have lost count of how many I have had let go because of flimsy connections.

The cables are just as bad - many times I have been trying to trouble shoot my code only to discover after a day or so that the micro-usb cable has given in - very frustrating!

Anyway - I opened up the clock to find out if it was a shonky port as I suspected.

Spoiler alert - I was right!

Saturday, September 9, 2023

0000 0000 1101 0001

Mailbag #32 - clicky timer thingies

In this mailbag I got a little bogged down in a lovely relay timer module that, though needlessly complicated, provides quite a few interesting and I think potentially useful timing functions.

It's difficult to decipher all of it's functions clearly, although there is a newer version of the manual available, and perhaps it might make more sense to you than me.

What do you think?