Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Audiophiles look away now

In the 1970s an uncle of mine spent t-h-o-u-s-a-n-d-s of dollars on audio equipment. High end speakers, valve amplifiers, turntables, tape decks, etc., etc.

I was in awe, and the sound was so amazing as to be akin to a religious experience. He was so into it that he paid for an audio engineer to come in and "ping" his lounge room so that the speakers could be precisely placed in the exact spots to eliminate any dead zones.

Of course his wife shifted them that afternoon due to her interior design concerns. They are not married anymore - coincidence?

Fast forward to 2024 and his nephew (that's me!) has just bought a TDA7297 based amplifier from AliExpress coming in at the princely sum of AU$2.57. Embarrassing - and even more so because it doesn't seem to work.

Or does it?

Also, a colleague at work handed over some ear pod thingies that weren't going the distance in terms of charging - I have no idea what to do to help, and there is now video evidence of that fact!

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