The last mailbag went forever, mainly because of some very cool charger/boost modules that I spent W-A-Y too much time testing.
They are a very handy module and I can definitely see a use in a project using solar panels to charge an 18650 battery, but then having the output boosted for example driving a bright LED.
So to save everyone's sanity I split this bit off and it is now a separate (10.5) mailbag - enjoy!
A couple of videos back some feedback on my YT channel requested info on post production of video and audio to remove annoying background "white" noise such as fans etc from my vids.
The resulting explanation only went for a few minutes so for this video I have also stuck on some info about the puppy cam project which is an old Raspberry Pi 3B+ running some video software that lets me look at the puppies when we're out of the house.
The project has been fine so far, but I needed to "widen" the field of view and as well make the bodged 5V fan adjustable in a "crudimentary" way.
I have it in mind that I can extend the WiFi coverage at home into the paddocks (~100m), chicken yard (20m), front gate (80m), greenhouse (10m), dog yard (6m), goat/sheep paddock (70m), etc., etc., but I don't want to wire up power to supply extender units.
I've been wondering if solar power is a viable option. Certainly there are a few projects on the InterWebs that seem to suggest it might be possible.
I've started looking at ESP8266 options, but also lately have been more interested in ESP32s with their low current sleeping ability and WebServer possibilities (e.g. setting hours for operation, monitoring traffic, etc).
We don't get that much solar down here in Tassie, so whatever set up is implemented needs to be efficient if I'm going to succeed with a solar powered option.
To that end I've been trying out some different solar panels arriving in the mailbag in terms of voltage, current (hence power) and it came to pass that one boring day I exceeded the design specs on a solar panel tester.
Ridiculous as you will see in the video! Once I've decided on the solar panel I'll switch to the power delivery and control systems. Interesting project, with a few more installments to come - watch this space.
The flow of orders into the mailbag has slowed considerably, due to many factors.
Certainly the need has dropped off as the buckets are brimming with project fodder, and as well the cost of both new items and their freight is becoming prohibitive for a humble home hobbyist.