The Dirty Dozen - Part Six: USB-C Nano, LIS3DH & Channel Update
The packet reveals an Arduino Nano? Hardly exciting, although I'd never had a Nano with a USBC interface before, but still it wasn't exactly a challenging unit!
So I dived backward to Dirty Dozen #5, dragged out the LIS3DH and interrogated it's temperature abilities. It's a little unusual in that the unit only reports the relative temperature based on when it was booted - strange!
I decided to use that with three LEDs to indicate relative temperature - here is the code:
/* Based on ADCUsage.ino Marshall Taylor @ SparkFun Electronics Nov 16, 2016 OneCircuit Mon 15 May 2023 11:02:06 AEST */ #include "SparkFunLIS3DH.h" #include "Wire.h" LIS3DH myIMU; int myroomtemp = 0; int currenttemp = 0; int difftemp = 0; #define blueled 4 #define greenled 3 #define yellowled 2 void setup() { Serial.begin(57600); delay(1000); pinMode(blueled, OUTPUT); pinMode(greenled, OUTPUT); pinMode(yellowled, OUTPUT); myIMU.settings.adcEnabled = 1; myIMU.settings.tempEnabled = 1; // from ADC3 myIMU.begin(); // take the temp for (byte stable = 0; stable < 5; stable++) { myroomtemp = myIMU.read10bitADC3(); // temp delay(100); } } void loop() { currenttemp = myIMU.read10bitADC3(); difftemp = myroomtemp - currenttemp; Serial.println(difftemp); if (difftemp < 0) { digitalWrite(blueled, HIGH); digitalWrite(greenled, LOW); digitalWrite(yellowled, LOW); } if ((difftemp > 2) && (difftemp < 20)) { digitalWrite(blueled, LOW); digitalWrite(greenled, HIGH); digitalWrite(yellowled, LOW); } if (difftemp > 22) { digitalWrite(blueled, LOW); digitalWrite(greenled, LOW); digitalWrite(yellowled, HIGH); } delay(100); }
It worked well and I can see some definite applications (e.g. is my module overheating!)
Some news as well in this video - we are moving house after 7 years. It is just down a road a bit, but the packing up and unpacking of the lab will take a few weeks.
If I get a moment I will try to post a video or two - but I might also go a bit "dark" over the Tasmanian winter.
Apologies if you have just joined the channel and blog - I hope the back catalogue of 200 videos can keep you busy while I rearrange my life!
Take care and see you on the other side.